Checkout Extensibility

Upgrading to Checkout Extensibility

Find all the resources you need to upgrade from checkout.liquid to Checkout Extensibility.

Checkout Extensibility

What is Checkout Extensibility?

Checkout Extensibility is a suite of powerful platform features that make it easier to customize your checkout in a way that's app-based, upgrade-safe, performant, and seamlessly integrated with Shop Pay.

With Checkout Extensibility, you can make no-code customizations using apps and branding tools, or use our collection of components and APIs to build more bespoke checkout experiences.

Explore the features included with Checkout Extensibility

Checkout editor

Easily edit the logo, font, colors, and background of your checkout and add new functionality by installing apps in the all-new drag-and-drop editor.

Checkout apps

Add new functionality to your checkout, including UI extensions, custom logic, post-purchase pages, and pixels—without touching code.

Customer events

Securely manage pixel tracking for your online store and checkout from a single location.

Checkout Branding API

Dramatically transform your checkout to your desire, including matching the style of your online store.

Custom business logic

Use Shopify Functions to create custom business logic to validate cart and checkout information and customize payment and delivery methods.

Components for custom apps

Build bespoke customizations by developing custom apps with Shopify Functions, checkout UI extensions, web pixel app extensions, and post-purchase extensions.

Checkout.liquid will be turned off in stages

August 13, 2024

Information, Shipping, & Payment pages

August 28, 2025

Thank you & Order status pages*

*including apps using script tags and additional scripts

Checkout.liquid deprecation

Start planning your upgrade today

We’re investing in Checkout Extensibility as the sole way to customize Shopify Checkout.

View a personalized customizations report in your Shopify admin to see a list of your existing checkout.liquid customizations. Use the report’s guidance to start planning your upgrade to Checkout Extensibility today.

View customizations report

Explore the benefits of upgrading to Checkout Extensibility:

Increased speed and conversion

Checkout Extensibility is built on the latest platform technology, with 2X faster checkout interactions and page transitions that increase conversion over 1% on average.

Integration with Shop Pay

Add any or all of your customizations to Shop Pay, creating a consistent experience for your customers while benefiting from Shop Pay's 4X faster checkout experience.

Powerful new checkout features

Gain access to new checkout features—like one-page checkout, Shopify’s bundles offering, stackable discounts, and more—when you upgrade to Checkout Extensibility.


Unlike using checkout.liquid, you never need to perform a checkout upgrade again, so you get access to new checkout features as soon as they’re available.

Enhanced security

Checkout Extensibility is powered by a set of Shopify UI components and APIs that run in a sandboxed environment, allowing you to benefit from additional security.

Consistent buying experience

Checkout Extensibility is now available for Plus merchants on the Thank you and Order status pages, so you can upgrade your entire checkout flow from start to finish.


Find everything you need to upgrade

View a personalized customizations report in your Shopify admin to see a list of your existing checkout.liquid customizations. Use the report’s guidance to start planning your upgrade to Checkout Extensibility today.

View customizations report 
Models wearing brightly-colored Nufferton clothing

Speed is a big part of the reason we went with Checkout Extensibility in the first place. Faster checkouts make buyers more confident in their purchases, which helps us improve conversion and reduce checkout abandonment.

Jake Fox — Senior Ecommerce Developer, MonosMONOS 

Map your checkout.liquid customizations to Checkout Extensibility

Previously, you could customize the look and feel of your checkout with branding settings in the Theme Editor, or by adding custom CSS/styles to your checkout.liquid theme file. With Checkout Extensibility, you customize checkout with apps which maintain a consistent look and feel across the buying experience, and you can use the checkout editor and/or the Branding API to make visual adjustments.

  • To adjust the colors, fonts, and general styling of your checkout, use the checkout editor. In the checkout editor, go to Settings to customize the appearance of your checkout, or go to Sections to edit the functionality.
  • If you need finer control over checkout branding, a developer can use our Branding API to dramatically transform the look and feel.

With checkout.liquid, you could add or remove UI and content from your checkout by adding JavaScript code to your checkout.liquid file. With Checkout Extensibility, these customizations are deployed via apps. You can either install an app from the Shopify App Store or develop a custom app. These apps are then configured in the checkout editor.

Tailor your checkout to meet your business needs with apps powered by checkout UI extensions, offering features like upsells, custom banners, business rule compliance, loyalty programs, and custom delivery workflows. Take a look at our curated app guide, or explore the app store to browse over 400 compatible apps.

Don't see what you're looking for? Refer to the Checkout Extensibility roadmap for future use cases we'll support.

Previously, you could use Shopify Scripts to add custom logic to your checkout. However, Shopify Functions are the new way to replace key parts of Shopify's backend logic and will eventually replace Shopify Scripts. You can either install an app from the Shopify App Store or develop a custom app. These apps are then configured in your Admin.

Shopify Functions currently support discounts, payment and delivery customizations, checkout validations, order routing, custom bundles and fulfillment constraints. Shopify Scripts will be compatible with Checkout Extensibility until Aug 25th, 2025, so you can upgrade to Checkout Extensibility without worrying about your Scripts to start.

Don't see what you're looking for? Refer to the Checkout Extensibility roadmap for future use cases we'll support.

Previously, you needed to add custom code or use a third-party tag manager to track customer events. With Checkout Extensibility, you can use the new Customer events page in your Shopify admin to manage and track customer events on your online store.

On the Customer events page, you can add pixels by installing an app from the Shopify App Store or adding a custom pixel. It's important to look for a pixel app before adding a custom pixel to ensure you're getting the best, most secure integration experience possible.


What you need to know

Checkout Extensibility makes it easier for Shopify Plus merchants to customize their checkout in a way that’s app-based, upgrade-safe, higher-converting, and integrated with Shop Pay.

Shopify is investing in Checkout Extensibility as the sole way to customize Shopify Checkout moving forward, replacing the need for checkout.liquid. As a result, checkout.liquid has been deprecated and will be turned off for the Information, Shipping and Payment pages starting August 13, 2024.

Checkout.liquid, script tags and additional scripts for the Thank you and Order status pages are also deprecated. These will be turned off starting August 28, 2025.

Any merchants that currently customize their checkout with checkout.liquid need to upgrade to Checkout Extensibility before the above dates.

You need to upgrade your Information, Shipping and Payment pages from checkout.liquid to Checkout Extensibility by August 13, 2024 and your Thank you and Order status pages by August 28, 2025. However, it can take anywhere from a few days to a few months to complete your upgrade, depending on the complexity of your customizations. For example, you may need to develop custom apps for some customizations, which takes more time.

We recommend getting started now to ensure you have enough time to complete your upgrade ahead of the turn off dates.

Yes, there is a roadmap for Checkout Extensibility posted on the Shopify dev docs.

With checkout.liquid, you needed to perform periodic upgrades in order to access new checkout features. The last upgrade for checkout.liquid took place in January 2020. Since then, we've shipped powerful features for Shopify Checkout, including:


Purchase options



Shipping and delivery



To access these features, you need to upgrade to Checkout Extensibility. You’ll also gain access to new features, like the one-page checkout, as soon as they’re available—no upgrades required.

No. The last upgrade for checkout.liquid took place in January 2020. In order to access new checkout features, you need to upgrade from checkout.liquid to Checkout Extensibility.

Yes! The Upgrading to Checkout Extensibility demo video provides a high-level overview of how to upgrade from checkout.liquid to Checkout Extensibility. There are also short demo videos for Checkout Extensibility and pixels:

Shopify has also partnered with Coding with Jan to produce more detailed demo videos for checkout UI extensions, Shopify Functions, and upgrading to Checkout Extensibility:

Checkout Extensibility is designed to optimize performance and make your checkout more secure by sandboxing customization code. We also vet public checkout apps for performance impact, so you can make customizations without sacrificing speed.

While it's possible that using many apps at the same time in checkout may result in a step back from peak performance, this was more true in checkout.liquid and Shopify is better equipped to optimize for this scenario with Checkout Extensibility.

Yes, Checkout Extensibility will work seamlessly between the one-page and three-page checkouts. Both checkouts have the same set of extension points and will be automatically mapped.

With Checkout Extensibility, customizations run in an app-scoped context. Unlike checkout.liquid, where customizations run on the parent element in the DOM, these apps run in a sandbox that cannot directly influence the parent DOM or other elements within the checkout process. This allows for more stable, performant, secure, and upgrade-safe customizations.

Customizations that require access to the parent DOM or other elements on the page, don't work with Checkout Extensibility. Examples of types of apps that are impacted by this change include:

  • Heatmaps
  • Visitor Recording
  • A/B Testing which relies on manipulating the DOM directly
  • Performance Monitoring

There are also a few eligibility requirements that must be met before upgrading to Checkout Extensibility. These are listed in the Shopify help center.